[sc34wg3] CTM: Realistic use cases or toy examples?

Steve Pepper pepper.steve at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 11:11:14 EST 2008

| * Steve Pepper
| >
| > You, Lars, are not representative of the kind of person to
| > whom I think we should be targeting CTM.

* Lars Marius Garshol
| I find this style of argument completely unacceptable.

That, Lars Marius, is your problem. I reserve the right to raise
the issue of who our target audience is, and what kind of
requirements it has. I also reserve the right to state my
opinion about whose perspective on CTM matches the needs of the
target audience and why.

I think my posting was absolutely relevant and rereading it I
find nothing unacceptable in its tone.

I am trying to get to the bottom of the disagreements and find
out what the fundamental causes are. If you are not interested
in that, stop listening, or at least stop trying to sidetrack
the discussion.

If you are interested, feel free to disagree with me about my
view of who the target audience is. *That* would be a useful
contribution to the discussion.


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