[sc34wg3] ISO 13240: ISMID

Steve Pepper pepper at ontopia.net
Tue Jun 20 06:45:24 EDT 2006

ISO 13240: ISMID, a WG3 project, is up for 5-year review. We will need to
take a position on whether to renew it or not. If anyone knows of its being
used anywhere, please let us know.



Steve Pepper, Ontopian




From: Mason, James David (MXM) [mailto:masonjd at y12.doe.gov] 
Sent: 08 June 2006 22:28

 <http://www.y12.doe.gov/sgml/sc34/document/0201.htm> ISMID (ISO/IEC 13240)
is up for 5-year review. I checked with Doris Bernardini at DoD, Patrick's
predecessor as V1 chairman, about whether DoD still wants it. She said
they're no longer using it, and so far as they're concerned, we can let it


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