xml:id RE: [sc34wg3] Compact syntax requirement question

Robert Barta sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Thu, 21 Jul 2005 17:46:46 +1000

On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 09:30:09AM -0400, Mason, James David (MXM) wrote:
> So I wonder whether CTM is really worth SC34's time.


My view is that it is actually not worth the time to fight CTM through
in this committee if there is not an apriori understanding that

   (a) these shorthand exist with good reason, and
   (b) will stay, because people just use it,
   (c) and should therefore be standardized.

If it does not happen inside WG3, then it will then most probably
happen outside, either as industry standard or hosted by someone
else. Suboptimal choice, but...
