[sc34wg3] Essence of the TMRM

Jan Algermissen sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 12:10:24 +0200

Ann Wrightson wrote:

> how we can compare models


it would propably also be a very good idea to start with a working
definition of 'model' since this term is so heavily overloaded.

IMHO, it would help a lot, to clearly distinguish between

- abstract information structure
  (the *view* provided on how the data is organised)

- the semantics that are expressed by some data
  (the ontology or schema)

It is a basic question, how many semantics should go into
the informations structure. Example: TMDM intermingles the 'TAO'
semantics with the information structure, the RM does not. With the
RM, the 'TAO' semantics are simply *a* (standard) ontology.

While the latter offers greater freedom, because it is more
generic, the former makes application development easier, because
implementors can rely on more structural information.

Enjoy the workshop ;-)


Jan Algermissen                           http://www.topicmapping.com
Consultant & Programmer	                  http://www.gooseworks.org