[sc34wg3] Essence of the TMRM

Ann Wrightson sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 10:23:10 +0100

Patrick & all,

This latest posting brings out v. clearly to me that one of the most
difficult problems we must face this week-end is how we can compare models
developed using radically different approaches, in our case
formal/mathematical vs  philosophical/linguistic/rhetorical. Neither is
necessarily good or bad, however comparison is difficult because from the
point of view of either, the other will inevitably tend to be seen as
missing the point rather than providing a reasonable alternative. To add to
the difficulty, TMDM is based on yet another approach, from IT/engineering. 

I hope this helps.

I'm travelling today, & will be around in the Europa this eve (no guarantees
about being awake :)

Ann W.