[sc34wg3] a new name for the Reference Model

Mason, James David (MXM) sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 09:00:29 -0500

I hope this thing is settling out. So far as names go, I do think we can get
"Standard" out of names, unless we really want to sound like quantum
physics. The precedent for having "Standard" in a title is ISO 8879, and
that was just because (1) Charles was hung up on having a "Standard" and (2)
he needed to distinguish it from the earlier Goldfarb-Mosher-Loree product.
(Of course, there were other names suggested for the language, including
"Audrey" and SMEGMA (yes, that was an acronym!) -- buy me a beer and I'll
tell you about them.)
