| Sat, 22 Feb 2003 16:02:03
For each assertion type, a name that is unique among all the names
of assertion types, role types, and properties defined by the TM
Application must be specified.
The definition must specify, for each assertion type, a name that is
unique among all the names of assertion types, role types, and properties
defined by the TM Application
| Sat, 01 Mar 2003 16:30:41
For each assertion type, a name that is unique among all the names
of assertion types, role types, and properties defined by the TM
Application must be specified. The names of assertion types have two
fields, in the same manner as property names, with the name of the TM
Application in the first field, and the name of the assertion type in
the second field. The name must not include the "name field separator"
symbol defined in parid0442 Ed.Note 55.
needs revision after adding name and name constraints to the glossary. |