| Mon, 18 Nov 2002 21:34:38
If I understand you correctly, and you are saying that the RM must allow assertion with only a single role in order to model such relationships, I think you are right. Example: "'Hot' and 'cold' are opposites" This would be modeled in the graph like this:x2 / C-----R2 / T1 A-----T2 | / | R1 C-----R3 | | / A-------C-------x1 \ C-----R3 \ A-----T2 \ C-----R2 \ x3The nodes above represent the following subjects: T1: the assertion type 'at-opposites' R1: the role 'role-opposite' x1: the players of the role-opposite ("The Opposites") R2: the role 'role-setMember' R3: the role 'role-set' T2: the assertion type 'at-set-setMember' x2: 'hot' x3: 'cold' I can't see how this could be modeled without allowing a single membership in an assertion. |