[sc34wg3] WG3 focus

Dmitry db3000 at mac.com
Sat Nov 5 14:41:35 EDT 2011

I think WG3 can contribute to developing  "reference architecture"  for systems that we all are dreaming about/working on. This reference architecture should define main concepts, main components and possible interactions between these components, explain various architectural alternatives. It also should  articulate value proposition of using this type of architecture. Specific work items such as SDShare become part of  the "big picture". Value proposition should be articulated for various audiences. 

For example,  topic map/triple/graph datastore (one of the components of reference architecture)  can increase development productivity (Neo4j, BrightstarDB could be good examples).

Reference Architecture can help entrepreneurs with identifying "hot spots" , creating new businesses, products, services, collaboration and competition.  


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