[sc34wg3] TMCL 6.7 Overlap Declaration

Steve Pepper pepper.steve at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 11:23:48 EDT 2009

[The missing part didn't appear. Surely it can't be because it has the word
"From" in column 1? Here I replace "From" with "Viewed from". Let's see what
happens now.]


Viewed from a maintenance perspective, this is also more work than it needs to
be: Each time a new subtype is added to the ontology, both the template and the
call to the template have to be modified. That shouldn't be necessary. Instead
it should be possible to declare the following

	tmcl:non-disjoint-subtypes( on:Instrumentalist )

and be done with all current (and future) subtypes of Instrumentalist.

Will the editors consider adding something along these lines?


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