[sc34wg3] CXTM: The "reified" attribute

Lars Marius Garshol larsga at garshol.priv.no
Thu May 15 07:09:11 EDT 2008

* Lars Heuer
> Would we lose much if the "reified" attribute goes away from the  
> topic element?

I've thought more about this one, and came to the conclusion that it's  
better to take this out. It simplifies the spec quite a bit, and it  
also makes it possible to take out a substantial chunk of code from  
implementations. I believe people will also find this the most  
complicated part to implement, so getting rid of this is all to the  
good, because, as you say, the "reifier" attribute has the reference  
from the other side anyway.

Taking it out now, so it won't be in today's official draft.

--Lars M.

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