[sc34wg3] CXTM: The "reified" attribute

Lars Heuer heuer at semagia.com
Fri May 2 06:33:31 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Comments against <http://www.isotopicmaps.org/cxtm/2008-04-14/#reified-att>

Would we lose much if the "reified" attribute goes away from the topic element?
The back reference (from a Topic Maps construct to the reifying topic) has to

The reified attribute is very expensive since the ordering of the
reified Topic Maps
construct has to be known if a topic is serialized into CXTM.

If the attribute goes away, the serialization process can be done more lazily.

IMO we wouldn't lose much if the "reified" attribute is removed from the topic,
CXTM wouldn't be "less canonical".

Best regards,

mailto:heuer at semagia.com

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