[sc34wg3] TMQL: Predicate invocation and scope

Lars Heuer heuer at semagia.com
Tue Jul 8 11:36:09 EDT 2008

Hi Lars,

[ $a = member-of(member: $p, group: $g)]
> I know this doesn't work now. It's not even syntactically valid, as
> far as I know. But we could define this in such a way that it *would*
> work.

I see.

I don't know if it is worth, because we'd change the meaning of
predicate invocations seriously. Not sure if it is a good or bad
thing. What happens to the variables $p and $g if the predicate
invocation returns associations?

Allowing the user to use predicates to apply additional filters to the
predicate wouldn't be a big deal, as far as I can see it.

I didn't understand rho's argument regarding the scope matching since
the processor would have to do the same task if the predicate
invocation is converted into a path expression.

Maybe rho can explain why it would be different, then I'd change my
mind. Maybe... . ;)

Best regards,

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