[sc34wg3] CTM - prefix declaration

Robert Barta rho at devc.at
Tue Jan 29 04:51:09 EST 2008

On Sun, Jan 27, 2008 at 07:02:14PM +0100, Lars Heuer wrote:
> The Kyoto proposal *seems* to enforce that a prefix may either be used
> exclusively as subject identifier or as subject locator:

That's not good, because it subtly opens two namespaces.




also has this:

> Binding the same prefix to different IRIs in the same CTM document
> is an error.

Can someone educate me, why a

  %prefix a http://example
  %prefix b http://example

should be harmful? CTM treats these prefixes NON-SEMANTICALLY (bad,
but so be it), so it treats them in the same way as XML namespaces.


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