[sc34wg3] Multi-line comments in CTM

Robert Barta rho at devc.at
Fri Jan 25 14:16:41 EST 2008

On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 08:06:55PM +0100, Lars Marius Garshol wrote:
> * Robert Barta
> >
> > /* this is /* also a comment */
> > but is this still comment ? */
> Modula-3 (or was it -2?) did this right by explicitly allowing them to  
> be nested.

I remember Modula-2 having them nested. For Modula-3


I found this

  He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils;
  for time is the greatest innovator,
  and if time of course aler things to the worse,
  and wisdom and counsel shall not alter them to the better,
  what shall be the end?

  Francis Bacon

He must have foreseen our discussions.

And later

  Care should be taken, when using colons and
  semicolons in the same sentence, that the
  reader understands how far the force
  of each sign carries.

And, yes, comments there were still nested.

> It also struck me that if we *do* want both single-line and multi-line  
> comments, the obvious combination is these two:
>    # single-line
>    #( multi-line )#

That would _definitely_ be the least obtrusive.


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