[sc34wg3] TMQL: XML and XTM

Lars Marius Garshol larsga at garshol.priv.no
Mon Nov 5 04:40:26 EST 2007

* Robert Barta
> Let me rephrase this: Who should answer the following question:
> Given a TMDM information item; when it is deserialized into XML, how
> much information related to the item should be deserialized.

* Lars Heuer
> Someone has to answer that question. And if TMQL brought up this
> question, it has to solve it, I guess.

I agree with the other Lars: this has to be specified somewhere. I  
don't really see that there is anywhere other than TMQL where this  
can be specified. Robert is of course right that this is a more  
general issue, and that in theory it could be defined elsewhere. The  
trouble is, at the moment we don't have any work item where it  
*could* be specified, other than TMQL.

So I guess it has to be TMQL. Anyone disagree?

(In the issues TM as tmql-xtm-fragment-output.)

--Lars M.

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