[sc34wg3] XTM 2.0: resourceRef vs. resourceData, embedded XML

Lars Heuer heuer at semagia.com
Wed Mar 15 08:02:34 EST 2006

Hi all,

Comments refer to

- resourceRef vs. resourceData
  Is this distinction necessary? Why is the datatype xsd:anyURI handled
  seperately from every other datatype?
  a) Remove the resourceRef element and use the resourceData for
     xsd:anyURI and all other datatypes
  b) Remove resourceRef and resourceData and introduce an element
       typedValue = element typedValue { datatype?, any-markup }
     or just
       value = element value { datatype?, any-markup }

     that is used for all occurrence and variant values.

- Embedded XML
  I wonder if the canonicalization of XML is really necessary.
  Isn't it just enough to put the XML into an <![CDATA[  ]]> section?
Best regards,

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