[sc34wg3] FYI: Inaugural Meeting of the National Center for Ontological
Mason, James David (MXM)
Tue, 30 Aug 2005 10:31:07 -0400
Forwarded from the SUO list.
Jim Mason
-----Original Message-----
From: standard-upper-ontology@ieee.org
[mailto:standard-upper-ontology@ieee.org] On Behalf Of West, Matthew R
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:22 PM
To: Standard-Upper-Ontology (E-mail)
Cc: Smith, Barry
Subject: Inaugural Meeting of the National Center for Ontological =
Dear Colleagues,
Barry Smith asked me to forward the following to the SUO Working Group.
Matthew West
Reference Data Architecture and Standards Manager Shell International
Petroleum Company Limited Shell Centre, London SE1 7NA, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7934 4490 Mobile: +44 7796 336538
Email: matthew.west@shell.com
Internet: http://www.shell.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Smith, Barry [mailto:phismith@buffalo.edu]
> Sent: 24 August 2005 16:57
> To: West, Matthew R SIPC-OFD/321
> Subject: Inaugural Meeting of the National Center for Ontological=20
> Research
> National Center for Ontological Research Inaugural Event University at =
> Buffalo October 27, 2005
> Barry Smith
> Director, NCOR-Buffalo
> Introduction and Welcome
> John Walker
> U.S. National Security Agency
> Ontology and National Security
> Brand Niemann
> U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
> Towards e-Government: The Federal Enterprise Architecture Reference=20
> Ontology
> Mark Musen
> Director, NCOR-Stanford / Stanford Medical Informatics The Future of=20
> Ontology
> Werner Ceusters
> European Centre for Ontological Research
> Ontology: The Need for International Coordination
> Participants will include:
> Bill Andersen * Ontology Works Inc.
> Carol Bean * NIH, National Center for Research Resources Judith Blake =
> * Gene Ontology Consortium / Mouse Genome Informatics, The Jackson=20
> Laboratory Olivier Bodenreider * NLM, Medical Ontology Research=20
> Patrick Cassidy * Mitre Corp.
> Frank Hartel * National Cancer Institute David Hill * Gene=20
> Expression Database / Mouse Genome Informatics, The Jackson Laboratory =
> Clarence Huff * Sierra Nevada Corp.
> Suzanne Lewis * Berkeley National Labs James Llinas * Center for=20
> Multisource Information Fusion Chris Menzel * Texas A&M University=20
> Leo Obrst * Mitre Corp.
> Steven Ray * National Institute of Standards and Technology Mary=20
> Shimoyama * Rat Genome Database Sumi Yoshikawa * Japanese Ontology=20
> Forum / Riken, Tokyo W. Jim Zheng * MUSC Biomedical Ontology Research =
> Group
> Further information is available at: http://ncor.us