[sc34wg3] N358 and N372 Requires synchronization: changes in workplan, names, etc.

Mason, James David (MXM) sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 14:45:37 -0500

Just to put in a word from the chairman's point of view:

N372 and N358 are different kinds of things, addressed to different
audiences, so they don't require any formal synchronization. Steve has
explained pretty well what he thinks they show us doing, and that's probably

N372 is the output of a WG3 meeting. It has been accepted by SC34. However,
that doesn't constitute anything binding on either SC34 or WG3. It's mostly
just a declaration of where we think we're going.

N358 is an NP out to JTC1 for approval. What happens to it is up to JTC1,
though we expect to have input into that process through our national
bodies. Even though it says we're looking for three standards (in addition
to the ones already approved, which aren't up for question now), it's not a
committment for either SC34 or JTC1 that there will be three: it could be
less, it could be more (though we probably wouldn't get away with that more
becoming 20). Since we don't actually specify the names of the new
standards, it's up to us to define them if JTC1 gives us the go-ahead.

So far as I'm concerned, there's a good bit of wiggle room in this process.
Tne NBs can comment any way they please on the NP ballot, but if the ballot
passes, then it's pretty much up to SC34 to figure out how to implement it.
