[sc34wg3] Baltimore meeting

Steve Pepper sc34wg3@isotopicmaps.org
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 14:23:50 +0200

I am preparing the meeting notice for WG3 in Baltimore and would like
to know the following:

(1) Who plans to attend the meetings?

(2) Which days can you attend?

     Normally we would start after the plenary on the Saturday, but I
     have a feeling that we are going to have a lot to discuss this time.
     Therefore I would like to know how many people could actually attend
     on the Friday before the plenary. Please, all of you, return a
     completed list to me a.s.a.p.:

        - Fri Dec 6  Y/N
        - Sat Dec 7  Y/N
        - Sun Dec 8  Y/N
        - Mon Dec 9  Y/N

(3) Are there any issues, other than the list of action points for
     the SAM and the Reference Model, that you would like to discuss?

Thanks for a quick response.


Steve Pepper, Chief Executive Officer <pepper@ontopia.net>
Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34/WG3  Editor, XTM (XML Topic Maps)
Ontopia AS, Waldemar Thranes gt. 98, N-0175 Oslo, Norway.
http://www.ontopia.net/ phone: +47-23233080 GSM: +47-90827246