Title: | Topic Maps Constraint Language |
Source: | Graham Moore, Dmitry Bogachev, Mary Nishikawa, JTC1 / SC34 |
Project: | ISO N458: Topic Maps Constraint Language |
Project editor: | Graham Moore, Dmitry Bogachev, Mary Nishikawa |
Status: | Working draft |
Action: | For review |
Date: | 2005-2-12 |
Summary: | |
Distribution: | SC34 and Liaisons |
Refer to: | |
Supercedes: | |
Reply to: | Dr. James David Mason (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 Chairman) Y-12 National Security Complex Information Technology Services Bldg. 9113 M.S. 8208 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8208 U.S.A. Telephone: +1 865 574-6973 Facsimile: +1 865 574-1896 E-mail: Mr. G. Ken Holman (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat - Standards Council of Canada) Crane Softwrights Ltd. Box 266, Kars, ON K0A-2E0 CANADA Telephone: +1 613 489-0999 Facsimile: +1 613 489-0995 Network: |
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
ISO/IEC N458 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information Technology, Subcommittee SC 34, Document Description and Processing Languages.
This International Standard defines a means to express constraints on topic maps conforming to the Topic Map Data Model [TMDM].
This International Standard is designed to allow users to constrain any aspect of the topic map data model. TMCL adopts TMQL [TMQL] as a means to express both the topic map constructs to be constrained and topic map structures that must exist in order for the constraint to be met.
This International Standard defines TMCL-Schema and TMCL-Rule. TMCL-Schema provides a type based model of constraints. TMCL-Rule provides a generlised model of constraint based on TMQL.
This International Standard defines a formal language by providing a syntax to form constraints. The document also defines an informal and a formal semantics for every syntactic form, including rules for the reporting of error conditions.
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Each of the following documents has a unique identifier that is used to cite the document in the text. The unique identifier consists of the part of the reference up to the first comma.
TMDM, ISO 13250-2 Topic Maps — Data Model, ISO, 2005,
TMQL, ISO Topic Maps Query Language Working Draft, ISO, 2005,
XML 1.0, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, W3C, Third Edition, W3C Recommendation, 04 February 2004,
RFC2396, RFC 2396 - Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, The Internet Society, 1998,
The syntax of TMQL is defined using the EBNF formalism defined in [XML 1.0].
TMCL defines TMCL-Schema and TMCL-Rule. TMCL-Schema provides a type based model of constraints. TMCL-Rule provides a generlised model of constraint based on TMQL.
Both TMCL-Rule and TMCL-Schema define sets of constraints. These constraints consist of terms that identify parts of the Topic Map to be constrained and terms that define the predicate that must hold for the Topic Map to be considered to be consistent.
TMCL-Schema and TMCL-Rule use different sub-languages for describing constraints. TMCL-Schema defines grammar like structures for describing constraints while TMCL-Rule defines constraints in a form of "if ... then ..." rules. Both sub-languages can be combined in schema expressions using specified syntax.
TMCL-Rule and TMCL-Schema are used to constrain instances of the Topic Map Data Model. If the topic map is valid in respect to the constraints being tested then validation is said to have succeeded. More formally it can be said that :
Given: TopicMap: tm1 Schema : sc1 Then: Validate(tm1, sc1) => (true, notifyItem*) | (false, conflictItem+, notifyItem*) |
The Validate function is defined as follows:
Evaluates the 'selector' part of the constraint. This results in one or more bindings of topic map information items to variables.
For each value of each bound variable in the selector that also occurs in the constrainer expression, the constrainer expression is evaluated.
If the constrainer expression returns an empty result set, i.e., no matches were found, then the topic map data model instance does not meet the constraint.
The process is repeated for each constraint in the schema. The topic map is valid with respect to the schema if all constraints are valid.
TMCL_Schema defines a language for constraining classes of topics and associations.
TMCL-Schema expressions effectively combine shared context for multiple constraints and allow compact representations of these constraints. However, from logical perspective each TMCL-Schema is equivalent to a set of constraints which can be validated independently
Used to group together a collection of constraints.
TopicMapSchema: SchemaID # ID which identifies this schema Name? # defines schema Name Include * # URI - list of schemas to include TopicSchema * # TopicSchema AssociationSchema * # AssociationSchema |
Topic Identification is used to identify exactly 1 topic.
TopicIdentification: srcLocators * # URI subjectIndicator * # URI subjectAddress * # URI |
TopicSet: topicIdentification * # TopicIdentification |
ScopePattern: simpleTopicExpression * # TopicIdentificaiton orTopicExpression * # OrTopicExpression typeTopicExpression * # TopicIdentificaiton |
OrTopicExpression: topicIdentification * # TopicIdentificaiton |
TopicSchema: schemaID # ID which identifies this partial type description type # TopicIdentification subjectAddressSchema * # SubjectAddressSchema subjectIndicatorSchema * # SubjectIndicatorSchema baseNameSchema * # BaseNameSchema internalOccurrenceSchema * # InternalOccurrenceSchem externalOccurrenceSchema * # ExternalOccurrenceSchema playRoleSchema * # PlayRoleSchema oneOfSchema? # OneOfSchema |
Constrains the cardinality and shape of subject indicator locator.
SubjectIndicatorSchema: cardMin # Integer? cardMax # Integer? match # Regular Expression* |
Constrains the cardinality and shape of subject address locator.
SubjectAddressSchema: cardMin # Integer? cardMax # Integer? match # Regular Expression? |
Constrains topic names.
BaseNameSchema: type # TopicIdentification scope # ScopePattern? cardMin # Integer? cardMax # Integer? dataType # xsd and custom xml schemas? oneOf # String* match # Regular Expression* variantSchema # VariantSchema* |
Constrains on variants.
VariantSchema: scope # ScopePattern? dataType # xsd and custom xml schemas? cardMin # Integer? cardMax # Integer? oneOf # String* match # Regular Expression* |
Note: dataType for variants is part of a pattern, not a constraint
Constrains internal occurrences.
InternalOccurrenceSchema: type # TopicIdentification scope # ScopePattern? cardMin # Integer? cardMax # Integer? dataType # xsd and custom schemas? oneOf # String* match # Regular Expression * minExclusive # String? minInclusive # String? maxExclusive # String? maxInclusive # String? |
Constrains external occurrences.
ExternalOccurrenceSchema: type # TopicIdentification scope # ScopePattern? cardMin # Integer? cardMax # Integer? oneOf # URI* match # Regular Expression * |
Constraints the nature of roles on associations of specific types.
RoleSchema: roleType # TopicIdentification cardMin # Integer cardMax # Integer allPlayersFrom # TopicSet // list of Types oneOf # TopicSet // list of topics |
Constraints the nature of other players of the association
OtherPlayerSchema: cardMin # Integer cardMax # Integer allPlayersFrom # TopicSet // list of Types oneOf # TopicSet // list of topics |
Constraints the nature of participation in associations.
PlayRoleSchema: associationType # TopicIdentification roleType # TopicIdentification otherRoleType # TopicSet //association type, roleType and otherRoleTypes define signature scope # ScopePattern cardMin # Integer cardMax # Integer otherRoles # RoleSchema* otherPlayers # OtherPlayerSchema* |
One of is used to defined a controlled vocabulary.
OneOfSchema: oneOf # TopicSet |
Constrains classes of association.
AssociationSchema: schemaID # ID which identifies this partial association type description type # TopicIdentification associationSignature # AssociationSignatureSchema+ |
[db] Note: It is possible to have different signatures with associations of the same type. It allows to use 'generalized' associations
Constrains specific association signature
AssociationSignatureSchema: signature # TopicSet roleSchema # RoleSchema+ |
Each constraint has "warning" or "notification" equivalent. Warnings typically define more detailed constraints.
cardMin -> cardMinNotify cardMax -> cardMaxNotify dataType -> dataTypeNotify oneOf -> oneOfNotify match -> matchNotify minExclusive -> minExclusiveNotify minInclusive -> minInclusiveNotify maxExclusive -> maxExclusiveNotify maxInclusive -> maxInclusiveNotify allPlayersFrom -> allPlayersFromNotify oneOf -> oneOfNotify |
If Notify constraint is violated then SchemaNotifyItem is generated during validation process
Relax NG Schema
TODO: allow mixing TMCL-rules
grammar{ start = element-TopicMapSchema element-TopicMapSchema = element TopicMapSchema{ element-SchemaID, element-Name?, element-Includes?, element-TopicSchemas?, element-AssociationSchemas?, } element-SchemaID = element SchemaID {text} element-Name= element Name {text} element-Includes = element Includes {element-Include+} element-TopicSchemas = element TopicSchemas {element-TopicSchema+} element-AaasociationSchemas = element AssociationSchemas {element-AssociationSchema+} element-Include = element Include {text} element-TopicSchema = element TopicSchema{ element-SchemaID, element-Type, element-SubjectAddressSchemas ?, element-SubjectIndicatorSchemas ?, element-BaseNameSchemas ?, element-InternalOccurrenceSchemas ?, element-ExternalOccurrenceSchemas ? element-PlayRoleSchemas ? element-OneOfSchema ? } element-Type = element Type {TopicIdentification-Content} TopicIdentification-Content = element srcLocators {element srcLocator {text}+}?, element subjectIndicators {element subjectIndicator {text}+}?, element subjectAddresses {element subjectAddress {text}+}? element-SubjectAddressSchemas = element SubjectAddressSchemas {element-SubjectAddressSchema+} element-SubjectAddressSchema = element SubjectAddressSchema { element-CardMin ?, element-CardMax ?, element-Match ? element-CardMinNotify ?, element-CardMaxNotify ?, element-MatchNotify ? } element-SubjectIndicatorSchemas = element SubjectIndicatorSchema {element-SubjectIndicatorSchema+} element-SubjectIndicatorSchema = element SubjectIndicatorSchema { element-CardMin?, element-CardMax?, element-Match?, element-CardMinNotify?, element-CardMaxNotify?, element-MatchNotify? } element-BaseNameSchemas = element BaseNames {element-BaseNameSchema+} element-BaseNameSchema = element BaseNameSchema{ element-Type, element-ScopePattern ?, element-CardMin?, element-CardMax?, element-DataType?, element-OneOf?, element-Match?, element-VariantSchemas?, element-CardMinNotify?, element-CardMaxNotify?, element-DataTypeNotify?, element-OneOfNotify?, element-MatchNotify? } element-VariantSchemas = element Variants {element-Variant+} element-Variant = element Variant{ element-ScopePattern ?, element-CardMin?, element-CardMax?, element-DataType?, element-OneOf?, element-Match?, element-VariantSchemas?, element-CardMinNotify?, element-CardMaxNotify?, element-DataTypeNotify?, element-OneOfNotify?, element-MatchNotify? } element-InternalOccurrenceSchemas = element InternalOccurrenceSchemas{element-InternalOccurrenceSchema+} element-InternalOccurrenceSchema = element InternalOccurrenceSchema { element-Type, element-ScopePattern?, element-CardMin?, element-CardMax?, element-DataType?, element-OneOf?, element-Match?, element-MinExclusive?, element-MinInclusive?, element-MaxExclusive?, element-MaxInclusive?, element-CardMinNotify?, element-CardMaxNotify?, element-DataTypeNotify?, element-OneOfNotify?, element-MatchNotify?, element-MinExclusiveNotify?, element-MinInclusiveNotify?, element-MaxExclusiveNotify?, element-MaxInclusiveNotify? } element-ExternalOccurrenceSchemas = element ExternalOccurrenceSchemas{element-ExternalOccurrenceSchema+} element-ExternalOccurrenceSchema = element ExternalOccurrenceSchema { element-Type, element-ScopePattern?, element-CardMin?, element-CardMax?, element-DataType?, element-OneOf?, element-Match?, element-CardMinNotify?, element-CardMaxNotify?, element-DataTypeNotify?, element-OneOfNotify?, element-MatchNotify? } element-PlayRoleSchemas = element PlayRoleSchemas { element-PlayRoleSchema+ } element-PlayRoleSchema = element PlayRoleSchema { element-AssociationType, element-RoleType, element-otherRoleTypes?, element-ScopePattern?, element-cardMin?, element-cardMax?, element-otherRoles?, element-otherPlayers? element-CardMinNotify?, element-CardMaxNotify? } element-AssociationType = element AssociationType {TopicIdentification-Content} element-RoleType = element RoleType {TopicIdentification-Content} element-otherRoleTypes = element OtherRoleTypes {element-RoleType+} element-otherRoles = element OtherRoleSchemas {element-RoleSchema+} element-otherPlayers = element OtherPlayerSchemas {element-PlayerSchema+} element-RoleSchema = element RoleSchema{ element-RoleType, element-cardMin?, element-cardMax?, element-AllPlayersFrom?, element-OneOfTopics? element-cardMinNotify?, element-cardMaxNotify?, element-AllPlayersFromNotify?, element-OneOfTopicsNotify? } element-PLayerSchema = element PlayerSchema{ element-cardMin?, element-cardMax?, element-AllPlayersFrom?, element-OneOfTopics? element-cardMinNotify?, element-cardMaxNotify?, element-AllPlayersFromNotify?, element-OneOfTopicsNotify? } element-AllPlayersFrom = element AllPlayersFrom {element Type{TopicIdentification-Content}+} element-OneOfTopics = element OneOfTopics {element Topic{TopicIdentification-Content}+} element-AllPlayersFromNotify = element AllPlayersFromNotify {element Type{TopicIdentification-Content}+} element-OneOfTopicsNotify = element OneOfTopicsNotify {element Topic{TopicIdentification-Content}+} element-OneOfSchema = element OneOfSchema {element-OneOfTopics} element-CardMin = element CardMin{text} element-CardMax = element CardMax{text} element-Match = element Match{ element Pattern{text}+} element-MinExclusive = element MinExclusive{text} element-MinInclusive = element MinInclusive{text} element-MaxExclusive = element MaxExclusive{text} element-MaxInclusive = element MaxInclusive{text} element-CardMinNotify = element CardMinNotify{text} element-CardMaxNotify = element CardMaxNotify{text} element-MatchNotify = element MatchNotify{ element Pattern{text}+} element-AssociationSchemas = element AssociationSchemas {element-AssociationSchema+} element-AssociationSchema = element AssociationSchema{ element-SchemaID, element-Type, element-associationSignatures? } element-associationSignatures = element AssociationSignatures{element-AssociationSignature} element-associationSignature = element AssociationSignature{ element-Signature, element-Roles? } element-Roles = element RoleSchemas {element-RoleSchema+} element-Signature = element Signature{element-RoleType+} element-ScopePattern = element ScopePattern{ element-SimpleTopicExpression?, element-OrTopicExpression?, element-TypeTopicExpression? } element-SimpleTopicExpression = element Topics { element Topic {TopicIdentification-Content}+} element-SimpleTopicExpression = element OrTopicsSchema { element OrTopics{ element Topic {TopicIdentification-Content}+}+ } element-TypeTopicExpression = element Types { element Type {TopicIdentification-Content}+} } |
TMCL-Schema defines set of predicates which allows schema introspection. These predicates are compbined into TMQL module "TMCL".
PSI for TMCL module:
tmcl:TopicMapSchema($X) tmcl:SchemaID($Schema, $ID) tmcl:SchemaName($Schema,$Name) tmcl:Include($Schema,$IncludedSchema) tmcl:TopicSchema($TMSchema,$TopicSchema) tmcl:AssociationSchema($TMSchema,$AssociationSchema) tmcl:SubjectAddressSchema($TopicSchema,$SubjectAddressSchema) tmcl:SubjectIndicatorSchemas($TopicSchema,$SubjectIndicatorSchema) tmcl:BaseNameSchema($TopicSchema,$BaseNameSchema) tmcl:InternalOccurrenceSchema($TopicSchema,$InternalOccurrenceSchema) tmcl:ExternalOccurrenceSchema($TopicSchema,$ExternalOccurrenceSchema) tmcl:PlayRoleSchema($TopicSchema,$PlayRoleSchema) tmcl:OneOfSchema($TopicSchema,$OneOfSchema) tmcl:Type($Schema,$Topic) tmcl:CardMin($Schema,$CardMin) tmcl:CardMax($Schema,$CardMax) tmcl:Match($Schema,$Match) tmcl:CardMinNotify($Schema,$CardMinNotify) tmcl:CardMaxNotify($Schema,$CardMaxNotify) tmcl:MatchNotify($Schema,$MatchNotify) tmcl:MinExclusive($Schema,$MinExclusive) tmcl:MinInclusive($Schema,$MinInclusive) tmcl:MinInclusive($Schema,$MinInclusive) tmcl:MaxInclusive($Schema,$MaxInclusive) tmcl:MinExclusiveNotify($Schema,$MinExclusiveNotify) tmcl:MinInclusiveNotify($Schema,$MinInclusiveNotify) tmcl:MinInclusiveNotify($Schema,$MinInclusiveNotify) tmcl:MaxInclusiveNotify($Schema,$MaxInclusiveNotify) tmcl:DataType($Schema,$DataType) tmcl:OneOfValue($Schema,$OneOfvalue), tmcl:DataTypeNotify($Schema,$DataTypeNotify), tmcl:OneOfvalueNotify($Schema,$OneOfvalueNotify), tmcl:VariantSchemas($BaseNameSchema,$VariantSchema) tmcl:ScopePattern($Schema,$ScopePatternt) tmcl:SimpleTopicExpression($Schema,$Topic) tmcl:OrTopicExpression($Schema,$Topic) tmcl:TypeTopicExpression($Schema,$Topic) tmcl:AllPlayersFrom($Schema,$Topic) tmcl:oneOfTopic($Schema,$Topic) tmcl:OtherRoleType($Schema,$Topic) tmcl:OtherRole($Schema,$RoleSchema) tmcl:OtherPlayer($Schema,$PlayerSchema) tmcl:AssociationSignature($Schema,$AssociationSignature) tmcl:Signature($Schema,$Topic) tmcl:RoleSchema($Schema,$RoleSchema) |
Each TMCL-Schema constraint type is defined through logical expressions. These definitions allow to produce corresponding set of constraints for any given TMCL-Schema document. Definition of each possible TMCL-Schema constraint type is provided below.
TopicSchema: type =$T subjectAddressSchema: cardMin =$N Every $Ex SuchAs instanceOf($Ex,$T) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $Y SuchAs subjectAddress($Ex,$Y) |
TopicSchema: type =$T subjectAddressSchema: cardMax =$N Every $Ex SuchAs instanceOf($Ex,$T) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N $Y SuchAs subjectAddress($Ex,$Y) |
TopicSchema: type =$T subjectAddressSchema: match =$P Every $Ex SuchAs instanceOf($Ex,$T) Satisfies Every $Y SuchAs subjectAddress($Ex,$Y) Satisfies match($Y,$P) |
TopicSchema: type =$T subjectIndicatorSchema: cardMin =$N Every $Ex SuchAs instanceOf($Ex,$T) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $Y SuchAs subjectIndicator($Ex,$Y) |
TopicSchema: type =$T subjectAddressSchema: cardMax =$N Every $Ex SuchAs instanceOf($Ex,$T) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N $Y SuchAs subjectIndicator($Ex,$Y) |
TopicSchema: type =$Type subjectIndicatorSchema: match =$RegExprSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $S SuchAs subjectIndicator($Inst,$S) Satisfies Every $Y SuchAs member($RegExprSet,$Y) match($Inst,$Y) |
TopicSchema: type =$Type baseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern cardMin =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) |
TopicSchema: type =$Type baseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern cardMax =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type BaseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern datatype =$DataType Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies matchDataType($BN,$DataType) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type BaseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern oneOf =$StrSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies member($BN,$StrSet) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type BaseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern match =$RegExpSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies Every $RegExp SuchAs member($RegExp, $RegExpSet) Satisfies match($BN,$RegExp) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type BaseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern variantSchema: scope =$VarScopePattern dataType =$VarDataType cardMin =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N,$Variant SuchAs variant($BN,$Variant)@VarScope and matchScope($VarScope,$VarScopePattern) and variantDataType($Variant,$VarDataType) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type BaseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern variantSchema: scope =$VarScopePattern dataType =$VarDataType cardMax =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N,$Variant SuchAs variant($BN,$Variant)@VarScope and matchScope($VarScope,$VarScopePattern) and variantDataType($Variant,$VarDataType) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type BaseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern variantSchema: scope =$VarScopePattern dataType =$VarDataType oneOf =$StrSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies Every $Variant,$VariantVal SuchAs variant($BN,$Variant)@VarScope and matchScope($VarScope,$VarScopePattern) and variantDataType($Variant,$VarDataType) and variantValue($Variant,$VariantVal) Satisfies member($VariantVal,$StrSet) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type BaseNameSchema: type =$NameType scope =$ScopePattern variantSchema: scope =$VarScopePattern dataType =$VarDataType match =$RegExpSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $BN SuchAs baseName($Inst,$NameType,$BN)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies Every $Variant,$VariantVal SuchAs variant($BN,$Variant)@VarScope and matchScope($VarScope,$VarScopePattern) and variantDataType($Variant,$VarDataType) and variantValue($Variant,$VariantVal) Satisfies Every $RegExp SuchAs member($RegExp, $RegExpSet) Satisfies match($BN,$VariantVal) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern cardMin =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern cardMax =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern datatype =$Datatype Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies matchDataType($OcVal,$DataType) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern oneOf =$StrSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies member($OcVal,$StrSet) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern match =$PatternSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies Every $Pattern SuchAs member($Pattern,$PatternSet) Satisfies match($OcVal,$Pattern) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern match =$PatternSet minExclusive =$MinVal Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies $OcVal > $MinVal |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern match =$PatternSet minInclusive =$MinVal Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies $OcVal >= $MinVal |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern match =$PatternSet maxExclusive =$MaxVal Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies $OcVal < $MaxVal |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type internalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern match =$PatternSet maxInclusive =$MaxVal Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs internalOccurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies $OcVal <= $MaxVal |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type externalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern cardMin =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $OcVal SuchAs occurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type externalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern cardMax =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N $OcVal SuchAs occurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type externalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern oneOf =$StrSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs occurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies member($OcVal,$StrSet) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type externalOccurrenceSchema: type =$OcType scope =$ScopePattern match =$PatternSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $OcVal SuchAs occurrence($Inst,$OcType,$OcVal)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) Satisfies Every $Pattern SuchAs member($Pattern,$PatternSet) Satisfies match($OcVal,$Pattern) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: associationType =$AType roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet scope =$ScopePattern cardMin =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst, $Type) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) //Check that association has corresponded signature |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: associationType =$AType roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet scope =$ScopePattern cardMax =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst, $Type) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) //Check that association has corresponded signature |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet scope =$ScopePattern otherRoles: roleType =$ORT cardMin =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) Satisfies AtLeast $N $Player SuchAs role($A,$ORT,$Player) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet scope =$ScopePattern otherRoles: roleType =$ORT cardMax =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $Player SuchAs role($A,$ORT,$Player) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet scope =$ScopePattern otherRoles: roleType =$ORT allPlayersFrom =$TypeSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) Satisfies Every $PlayerType SuchAs member($PlyerType,$TypeSet) Satisfies Every $Player SuchAs role($A,$ORT,$Player) Satisfies instanceOf($Player,$PlayerType) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet scope =$ScopePattern otherRoles: roleType =$ORT oneOf =$OneOfSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) Satisfies Every $PlayerType SuchAs member($PlyerType,$TypeSet) Satisfies Every $Player SuchAs role($A,$ORT,$Player) Satisfies member($Player,$OneOfSet) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet //can be empty scope =$ScopePattern otherPlayers: cardMin =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $Player SuchAs role($A,$RoleType,$Player) and $Player /= $Inst |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet //can be empty scope =$ScopePattern otherPlayers: cardMax =$N Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N $Player SuchAs role($A,$RoleType,$Player) and $Player /= $Inst |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet //can be empty scope =$ScopePattern otherPlayers: allPlayersFrom =$TopicSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) Satisfies Every $Player SuchAs role($A,$RoleType,$Player) and $Player /= $Inst Satisfies Every $PlayerType SuchAs member($PlayerType, $TopicSet) Satisfies instanceOf($Player,$PlayerType) |
TopicSchema: Type =$Type PlayRoleSchema: roleType =$RoleType otherRoleType =$RoleTypeSet //can be empty scope =$ScopePattern otherPlayers: oneOf =$TopicSet Every $Inst SuchAs instanceOf($Inst,$Type) Satisfies Every $A SuchAs association($A)@$Scope and matchScope($Scope,$ScopePattern) and role($A,$RoleType,$Inst) and otherRoleTypes($A,$OtherRoleTypes) and setEqv($OtherRoleTypes,$RoleTypeSet) Satisfies Every $Player SuchAs role($A,$RoleType,$Player) and $Player /= $Inst Satisfies member($Player, $TopicSet) |
AssociationSchema: type =$Type associationSignature: signature =$TopicSet roleSchema: roleType =$RoleType cardMin =$N Every $A SuchAs association($A) and signature($A,$RoleTypes) and setEqv($RoleTypes,$TopicSet) Satisfies ExistsAtLeast $N $Player SuchAs role($A,$RoleType,$Player) |
AssociationSchema: type =$Type associationSignature: signature =$TopicSet roleSchema: roleType =$RoleType cardMax =$N Every $A SuchAs association($A) and signature($A,$RoleTypes) and setEqv($RoleTypes,$TopicSet) Satisfies ExistsAtMost $N $Player SuchAs role($A,$RoleType,$Player) |
AssociationSchema: type =$Type associationSignature: signature =$TopicSet roleSchema: roleType =$RoleType allPlayersFrom =$PlayerTypes Every $A SuchAs association($A) and signature($A,$RoleTypes) and setEqv($RoleTypes,$TopicSet) Satisfies Every $Player SuchAs role($A,$RoleType,$Player) Satisfies Every $PlayerType SuchAs member($PlayerType,$PlayerTypes) Satisfies intsanceOf($Player,$PlayerType) |
AssociationSchema: type =$Type associationSignature: signature =$TopicSet roleSchema: roleType =$RoleType oneOf =$OneOfSet Every $A SuchAs association($A) and signature($A,$RoleTypes) and setEqv($RoleTypes,$TopicSet) Satisfies Every $Player SuchAs role($A,$RoleType,$Player) Satisfies member($Player,$OneOfSet) |
TMCL-Rule allows to declare set of assertions about topic maps. It is a rule-based language which leverages TMQL constructs for specifying conditions and assertions.
TMCL-Rule is close to ISO/IEC 19757-3 (Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL)- Part 3: Rule-based validation Schematron). Schematron allows do define validation rules for XML documents. TMCL-Rule leverages experience from other rule-based languages and allows specifying constraints based on TMDM.
The TopicMapSchema collects together a set of rules that can be used to validate a topic map. There is exactly one schema information item in each information set. TopicMapSchema can include at the same time topic and association schemas.
TopicMapSchema: SchemaID # defines schema ID Name? # defines schema Name Includes * # URI - list of schemas to include RuleItem* # set of rules DiagnosticItem* # provides more specific details for assertions and reports |
The RuleItem defines set of assertions about topic map. The RuleItem consists of optional context item, optional let items and one or more assertion or/and report items.
RuleItem: ID #defines rule ID Name? #defines rule Name ContextItem? #locates topic map data model information items to be constrained. LetItem* #introduces local variables which can be used in assertions and report items AssertItem* #if test is negative AssertItem generates ConflictItem ReportItem* #if test is positive ReportItem generates NotifyItem |
The ContextItem is used to locate topic map data model information items to be constrained. It allows to express assertions in a form of "forevery X,Y... where P(X,Y...) satisfies Q(X,Y,...) Variables defined in ContextItem can be used in LetItems, AssertItems and ReportItems The ContextItem is optional element. If rule does not have ContextItem then assertions are evaluated in the context of full topic map.
ContextItem: ForEvery+ #list of variables Where #TMQL predicate expression with free varaibles from ForEvery list |
The LetItem introduces local variable which can be used in AssertItem and ReportItem
LetItem: Variable #variable which receives value Where #TMQL predicate expression which generates value |
If rule has ContextItem then AssertItem is an assertion about topic map information items located by the ContextItem. In this case assertion can use variables defined in ContextItem. If rule does not have ContextItem assertions are evaluated in the context of full topic map. If test is negative AssertItem generates ConflictItem
AssertItem: Test #TMQL expression which can include variables from ContextItem and LetItems and returns true or false Message #string which can include variables(and simple path expressions) from ContextItem and LetItems Diagnostics #list of DiagnosticItem IDs, is used for detailed notification |
Note 1: Rules without ContextItem allow to express constraints defined on full topic map
Example 1: Topic map must have more than 20 topics of "musician" type.
Example 2: Topic map must have a topic for composer who was born in Milan.
Note 2: If constraint can be formulated in a form of "forevery X,Y... where P(X,Y...) satisfies Q(X,Y,...)" preferable form of a rule includes explicit ContextItem.
If rule has ContextItem then ReportItem is an assertion about topic map information items located by the ContextItem. In this case assertion can use variables defined in ContextItem. If rule does not have ContextItem report assertions are evaluated in the context of full topic map. If test is positive ReportItem generates NotifyItem
ReportItem: Test #TMQL expression which can include variables from ContextItem and LetItems and returns true or false Message #string which can include variables(and simple path expressions) from ContextItem and LetItems Diagnostics #list of DiagnosticItem IDs (with 0 or more parameters) is used for detailed notification |
DiagnosticItem provides more specific details for assertion and report notifications. DiagnosticItem can include variables and simple path expressions. Variables receive values when diagnostic item is called during rule evaluation. DiagnosticItem can also provide some recommendations for conflict resolution.
DiagnosticItem: Parameter* #list of variables Message #string scoped by language which can include variables and simple path expressions |
ConflictItem :- RuleConflictItem | SchemaConflictItem |
RuleConflictItem: RuleID # reference to rule which generates conflict TestMessage # string representing Test item from assertion ContextBinding* # defines binding for variables from ContextItem Message # string DiagosticMessage* # string |
SchemaConflictItem: ConflictTypeID # reference to constraint type which generates conflict TopicSchemaID* # reference to topic schemas which contain this constraint AssociationSchemaID* # reference to association schemas which contain this constraint TestMessage # string representing logical interpretation of constraint ContextBinding* # defines binding for variables from constraint type definition Message # string DiagosticMessage* # string |
NotifyItem :- RuleNotifyItem | SchemaNotifyItem |
RuleNotifyItem: RuleID # reference to rule which generates report TestMessage # string representing Test item from assertion ContextBinding* # defines binding for variables from ContextItem Message # string DiagosticMessage* # string |
SchemaNotifyItem: ConflictTypeID # reference to constraint type which generates notification TopicSchemaID* # reference to topic schemas which contain this constraint AssociationSchemaID* # reference to association schemas which contain this constraint TestMessage # string representing logical interpretation of constraint ContextBinding* # defines binding for variables from constraint type definition Message # string DiagosticMessage* # string |
To be done....
TMCL-Rule and TMCL-Schema expressions can be combined in the same TMCL schema. It is also possible to insert rules inside of type descriptions. In this case rules have simplified syntax.
TODO: describe simplified syntax for embedding rules into type description In this case there is an implicit context - type
To be done...
TMCL enables topic map authors to specify a schema to which the topic map is conformant. This is achieved by reifying the topic map with a topic and assigning an occurrence to that topic of type [i: TMCLSchemaReference].
The following PSI is used to denote the occurrence type for schema references.
This is used to type a occurrence on a topic that reifies the topic map in order to reference the schema for this topic map instance. The value of the occurrence must reference a valid TMCL XML representation or a topic of type [i: Schema].
Schema composition is the ability to take two or more schemas and compose them into a single schema. Given that a schema consists of a set of constraints, schema composition merely takes all the constraints from all schemas being composed and returns a single schema that consists of all constraints. Applications are free to identify and remove redundant constraints and generate conflicts should any constraints be contradictory.
More formally:
Given Schema : s1, s2 Constraint : c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 s1 := {c1, c2, c3} s2 := {c4, c5} That Compose(s1, s2) => s3 s3 := {c1, c2, c3, c4, c5} |
TMCLreq, TMCL Requirements, ISO, 2004