ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC34 N (no official status)


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TITLE: The TMASD 1.2 Topic Map Application Definition
SOURCE: Steven R. Newcomb
PROJECT: Topic Maps
PROJECT EDITORS: Michel Biezunski, Martin Bryan, Steven R. Newcomb
STATUS: Editor's Draft, Revision 1.2
ACTION: For review and comment
DATE: 27 April 2003
DISTRIBUTION: SC34 and Liaisons
REPLY TO: Dr. James David Mason
(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34 Chairman)
Y-12 National Security Complex
Information Technology Services
Bldg. 9113 M.S. 8208
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8208 U.S.A.
Telephone: +1 865 574-6973
Facsimile: +1 865 574-1896

Ms. Sara Hafele Desautels, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 Secretariat
American National Standards Institute
25 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
Tel: +1 212 642-4937
Fax: +1 212 840-2298

27 April 2003

JTC 1/SC 34 N (no official status)

The TMASD 1.2 Topic Map Application Definition

Version 1.2, 2003/04/27
Go to to view or contribute to the current editors' working revision.

Table of Contents

0 Introduction
1  Scope
2  References
3  Application Name
4  Included TM Application Definitions
5  Property Classes
5.1 IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_t-roles{ }
5.2 IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-type
5.3 IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-RPC
5.4 IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_httpSubjectIndicator
6  Assertion Type
6.1 IS13250-TMASD-1.2::AT_tTopic-role-RPC
7  Built-in Topics and Assertions
7.1 Built-in Topic
7.2 Built-in Topic
7.3 Built-in Topic
7.4 Built-in Topic

0    Introduction

The best available introduction to this document is ISO/IEC JTC1 SC34/WG3 N0393.

The Topic Map Application defined by this document is designed to be included as a module in other Topic Map Applications, thus serving as a portion of the logical and semantic foundation of all topic maps that conform to such Topic Map Applications.

The following naming conventions are used in this TM Application Definition:

1   Scope

This document defines a "Topic Map Application" as that term is defined in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC34/WG3 N0393.

This TM Application provides properties, assertion types, built-in topics, and merging rules for specifying topics whose subjects are:

  1. assertion types,

  2. assertion roles, and

  3. constraints on the role players of assertions.

2   References


3   Application Name

The name of the TM Application defined in this document is IS13250-TMASD-1.2

Note 1: 

"TMASD" stands for "Topic Map Application Self Description". The assertion type defined herein allows the definitions of assertion types used in topic maps to be accessed from within those same topic maps.

4   Included TM Application Definitions

(This TM Application does not depend on any other TM Applications.)

5   Property Classes

5.1   IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_t-roles{ }

Value type: list of topics treated as a set

Semantic: The value is the set of all r-topics whose subjects are the roles defined for the assertion type that is the subject of the t-topic.

Constraints on values: There must be two or more r-topics in the list.

Consistency constraints:

  1. Each of the r-topics in the value of the property must have a reciprocal IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-type property whose value is the t-topic.

  2. It is an error if the values of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_t-roles{ } properties of any two topics have any members in common.


Topic Merging Rule: Whenever two or more topics both exhibit values for their IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_t-roles{ } properties, the topics must be merged if their values are the same set of topics.

Effect of merging on values: Whenever two or more topics that exhibit values for their IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_t-roles{ } properties are merged, one of the two values must become the value of the same property of the merged topic. If any of the members of either value are built-in, they are built-in in the merged topic.

5.2   IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-type

Value type: single topic

Semantic: The value is the topic whose subject is the assertion type of which the subject of the topic is one of the roles.

Constraints on values: The value must be a topic whose subject is an assertion type.

Consistency constraint: The topic that is the value must have a reciprocal IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_t-roles{ } property, one of the members of which must be the topic.


Effect of merging on values: Whenever two or more topics that exhibit values for their IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-type properties are merged, one of the two values must become the value of the same property of the merged topic. The following situations require implementations to report conflicts:

  1. The two topics to be merged have different values for their IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-type properties.

  2. After merging the two topics, the assertion type that is the value of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-type property has fewer than two different roles.

5.3   IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-RPC

Value type: single topic

Semantic: The value is the topic whose subject is the qualification (or set of qualifications) that players of the role (the role that is the subject of the topic that exhibits the value) must have.

Constraints on values: The subject of the topic that is the value, if any, must be a qualification or a set of qualifications.

Consistency constraint: The subject of the topic that exhibits the value must be a role.


Effect of merging on values: Whenever two or more topics that exhibit values for their IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-RPC properties are merged, the following rule applies:

  1. If both values are the same single topic, that single topic becomes the value of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-RPC property of the merged topic.

  2. In all other cases, the values are regarded as sets (converting single constraints into sets of constraints that contain one constraint), and the union of those sets becomes the value of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-RPC property of the merged topic.

5.4   IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_httpSubjectIndicator

Value type: string

Semantic: The value is the HTTP address (possibly including a fragment identifier) of information that, when rendered for human perception, is assumed to indicate to the human perceivers the subject of the topic that exhibits the value.

Constraints on values: The value must be suitable for use as the addressing parameter of an HTTP GET process. The value is not suitable if an HTTP GET returns an error or an empty data stream.

Consistency constraint: (None.)


Topic Merging Rule: Whenever two or more topics both exhibit values for their IS13250-TMASD-1.2::httpSubjectIndicator properties, the topics must be merged if both of the following conditions are met:

  1. Under the rules for URI interpretation specified in IETF RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, as modified in IETF RFC 2732: Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URLs, the two values must be regarded as identifying the same resource; and

  2. Either both values include the same fragment identifier, or neither value includes a fragment identifier.

Effect of merging on values: Whenever two or more topics that exhibit values for their IS13250-TMASD-1.2::httpSubjectIndicator properties are merged, it is a reportable inconsistency if the two values are not equivalent, according to the merging rule specified in 5.4. If they are equivalent, one of the values must become the value of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::httpSubjectIndicator property of the merged topic, with any built-in value being preferred over any conferred value.

6   Assertion Type

6.1   IS13250-TMASD-1.2::AT_tTopic-role-RPC

Semantic: Each instance asserts that a specific assertion type (represented by a t-topic, the player of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_tTopic role) has, as one of its roles, a specific role, represented by an r-topic, the player of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_role role. It may optionally also specify one or more "Role Player Constraints (RPCs)", represented by a topic (the player of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_RPC role) whose subject is the qualifications that must be met by the player of the role in any valid instance of the assertion type.

6.1.1   Role: IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_tTopic

Semantic: The player of the role is the t-topic whose subject is, in part, being conferred upon it by virtue of the existence of this assertion.

Constraints on player: The role must be played.

Value conferred on the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_t-roles{ } property of the role player: The r-topic that is the player of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_role role of the assertion is made a member of the set that is the value of the property.

6.1.2   Role: IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_role

Semantic: The player of the role is a topic whose subject is being asserted to be one of the roles of the assertion type that plays the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_tTopic role.

Constraints on player: The role must be played, and the player's subject must be an assertion role.

Value conferred on the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-type property of the role player: The t-topic that is the player of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_tTopic role of the assertion becomes the value.

Value conferred on the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_r-RPC property of the role player: The topic that is the player of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_RPC role of the assertion becomes the value.

6.1.3   Role: IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_RPC

Semantic: The subject of the player of the role, if any, is the set of qualifications that must be met, in all instances of the assertion type that plays the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_tTopic role, by the player of the same role in any such instance that also plays the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_role role in the current instance of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::AT_tTopic-role-RPC assertion type. If the role is unplayed, the qualifications of the players of the role, in instances of the assertion type, will not be checked at times when assertions are checked for consistency with their constraints.

Note 2: 

The checking of role players for consistency with their constraints is part of the process of "fully merging" a topic map, as defined in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC34/WG3 N0393, Section 9.2.

Constraints on player: The role may be unplayed. If the role is played, the subject must be either a single role-player qualification, or a set of such qualifications. The set may be empty, in which case the semantic is the same as if the role were unplayed.

(No values are conferred on properties of the role player.)

7   Built-in Topics and Assertions
Note 3: 

This section is not yet complete.

7.1   Built-in Topic

Subject: The IS13250-TMASD-1.2::AT_tTopic-role-RPC assertion type

Built-in value of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_httpSubjectIndicator property :

7.2   Built-in Topic

Subject: The IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_tTopic role

Built-in value of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_httpSubjectIndicator property :

7.3   Built-in Topic

Subject: The IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_role role

Built-in value of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_httpSubjectIndicator property :

7.4   Built-in Topic

Subject: The IS13250-TMASD-1.2::RL_RPC role

Built-in value of the IS13250-TMASD-1.2::PR_httpSubjectIndicator property :